Monday, November 26, 2012

Are you Carmina? Hi I'm Zoren...

Just saw a comment on Facebook:

"daming nagwiwish na sana magka bf sila na ala zoren.. eh ala carmina kaba?

Good point. But to be honest, everyone deserves to find their 'Zoren' and 'Carmina'. It doesn't have to be EXACTLY like him, but what that person's vision of an ideal partner is. In short, everyone wishes they had a love like that: dedicated, romantic, loyal, sweet. 

Just saying.

An Eventful Friday at work --> Saturday early morn at home

Current Mood: Smug. Sleepy. Tired.

Today was an eventful day. Office was totally hectic. I had meeting after meeting after meeting... and all of which were important to some degree. Couldn't even get out long enough to enjoy a long drag on a cig break... Basically, we took care of everything that had to be taken care of for the next couple of weeks. So many things still need doing, plus more on the side. I mean, aside from having to handle some of the projects up close, had to act as arbiter for some internal office problems... whew!

then had to stay in the office till 10 in the evening (I repeat... TEN in the evening) because I owed someone a website... well microsite anyway. And still wasn't able to finish it. that wasn't my fault anymore because a) I was alone in the office and I could SWEAR I saw something graze past my blind side and b) the site where I was getting the info from ran out of bandwidth and couldn't be accessed anymore.

I did manage to finish about 70% of it... so by tomorrow morning it'll all be done.

Was getting kinda hungry too... so I guess it was a good idea I packed up and left already. Got home at around 11 PM because for pete's sake it was still traffic in Katipunan. When will it EVER clear up?!

Still have to take care of the vid thing for my dad. I doubt I'll be able to finish it now. Still a long way to go. And I am totally tired. I still have to fix so many things for tomorrow.

On the way home, while listening to the radio in the cab, the driver was listening to Doctor Love's radio program. The callers or phone ins were totally pathetic. I mean come on! The first guy called because he said he couldn�t forget his girlfriend. Naturally, Doctor Love replies by saying of course you can't forget your girlfriend, she's already a part of your life! Then the good doc asks how long they were together. The poor sod answers, "2 months po..." WTF?! I could tell the doc was getting a wee bit sarcastic... I mean come one dude... he was asking Doctor Love how to best forget his relationship with the girl... something like Eternal Sunshine...the conversation that went on after that basically dropped my IQ about 10 to 20 points... This Doc knows good advice� and he�s not afraid to make his poor heartbroken callers feel that they�re the dumbest sons of bitches in the planet�.

The next caller was even more pathetic. He said he�d been living in with his girlfriend for almost a year already, but the girl wanted to break up with him already. When the Doc asked him why, he said that his girlfriend suddenly �changed�� and just started biting his head off. And then, poor sod that he already is� Doc Love starts telling him that he should just let her go, and that he should�ve thought about marrying her instead and that whatever the guy does the girl�s the one who gets the short end of the romance stick� I mean come on Doc! The guys already going through shit and you�re telling him everything he did was wrong! He didn�t even hear the whole sob story to begin with! That�s hat you get I guess when you have more sponsors than airtime�

I feel sorry for those dudes who actually listen to the show� and those that actually depend on the doc for an answer! Not that I�m being condescending or anything� but I mean come on� even if you weren�t at least knowledgeable in matters of the heart, you wouldn�t subject yourself to humiliation of that magnitude.

That other guy even started asking Doc Love if he could give his number over the air so he could find a new �friend� Gee-zus!

My advice? Stop listening to his show! Why do you think they put his show at a gawdforsaken hour?

Anyway, I honestly believe that there are some things� especially love-related problems, that you should only either keep to yourself or share only with your closest friends� not to some quack on late night radio. Hope those two callers don�t decide to kill themselves� jeez�

On a lighter note, have been preparing my list of songs to play for our next jam session. I�d really like to play Scissor Sisters� Take Your Mama Out, but babe�s the one doing the singing� so we better choose a better song. Heard a sister duet on the radio jam session the other weekend, Joy and Bev I believe they were called� and man! They sounded so good on the radio! Their blending was pitch perfect� I want to sound better than that� because I know we can. Whew! If anything they inspired me to pick up where I left my music shoes�

We�re jamming on Sunday. Hope all the guys can make it� and I really hope babe doesn�t get hit with another bout of laziness� Sundays can do that to her� hehehe�

I�m off to Neverland now� Rivermaya and Velvet Revolver are playing in my head� so I need a little music before I finally doze off. Peace out! Tomorrow�s update will be totally out of this world� I promise� =P

ADD-ON: Just got off chatting with an old friend, si Zsar. She was my friend since Grade School� probably my first ever crush too� hehehe� it�s amazing how the internet can bring lost friends together even across time and continents� hope I didn�t sound redundant there� ;) right Zsar?