Thursday, August 19, 2004

Lunch break blues... and then some

Current Mood: Hungry, Cheerful, Agitated

Lunch break is CS time in the office. But when we have meetings or when the big bosses are around, we tend to act like good boys instead. So we keep quiet, sleep on our desks, or go out for lunch and hang out at the mall.

Going out would've been fine, but moving around in the mall usually requires money. And money is something I haven't been to good at managing lately. What with my birthday celebration just last month and then that stupid "accident" last weekend, I'm left with a bad hangover and a hole in my pocket.

I haven't started that video tribute I was supposed to do for my dad... which means tonight I will be cramming like hell. Jeez I don't even have a blank CD yet to place the final... but that's not really important is it? I mean, how can I worry about a blank CD when I don't even have the material to put into the damn thing! Hehehe... I'll cross the bridge when I get there.

Was looking through the old photos of my dad. Can't believe it's been 10 years since he passed away. We just go on living I guess. it's always like that, it's only the initial shock that really hits you. After that, everything should be fine... more on this sob story after.

Right now, I gotta go. It's meeting time in a few, and I am getting quite hungry. This diet works though! I am noticing a change in weight... or maybe its just phsychological. Whatever! More later...

P.S. AVP sucks!

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