Thursday, August 19, 2004

Must remember to take down notes...

Current mood: Lazy, sleepy (surprisingly at 11 PM) and mentally incapacitated

I've been experiencing blog withdrawal� when I get things into my head I begin to wonder if it�s worth writing down� and then I start composing what it is I�d like to say in my head... but the minute I get home and sit in front of the computer� my head blanks out. I haven�t a clue what to say, what to write� mark of a true writer I guess� too much info, so little brain-space� hehehe. According to whatsisname on the Cartoon Network ad� �It just get crowded��

I guess the reason I�m so bummed out is because I just spent a lot of money (well, babe spent a lot of money� hehehehe) to watch a lousy movie which I thought and expected to be good or exciting at the very least� if you�re not a fan of the Aliens or the Predator dudes or even the game itself, I suggest you go watch something else� something better, like, um� paint peeling from a wall.

Gawds if I could write a decent movie it would probably be this bad! Hahahaha! Yeah it sucked, but it had its moments. I won�t spoil it for everyone else, but let�s just say that it�s a good thing they didn�t spend much money on the cast� they really had to keep enough of the budget for the special effects.

Anyway, on to the gaming aspect of my life. Naz just passed by to give me a long overdue birthday gift� awww� what a sweet guy! Hehehe. Now I have something new to show off to the dudes when we meet on Saturday. Let�s hope this game is good enough. (It�s Unreal Tournament by the way) I�ve never really been a fan of the Unreal series, since when it first came out my PC sucked ass so much I couldn�t even run 2 word processing applications at the same time, but from what I heard back then it was a really awesome game. Now I have the means to find out for myself! Hooray! Even if I have no time to play I shall play! Hehehe�

Doom 3�s been on my mind all month. Can�t get over how awesome the lighting is in this game. Story sucks though, but since I�m a big fan of the whole ID series of games, I can overlook that tiny detail and just play through the damn thing once. Just haven�t had the time to really sit down and play non-stop� which I usually do when I�m so into a game! I remember just playing Diablo for hours on end, and then looking out the window and seeing the sun rising over the horizon� damn addictions! Hehehe� I get so addicted I end up dreaming about the game! This time is still no exception.

Have been slacking off with DeviantART again. Been meaning to do a set piece for babe, but never could get around to finishing it. I guess it�s the �artiste� in me� I hardly ever really work if I�m not inspired enough. Oh well� that�s my life. But I did finish this interesting new Flash game today� this was the promo thing I was talking about earlier, the one for The Exorcist movie� watch out for it! I bet it�ll reach your e-mail pretty soon!

But right now, I guess I was just inspired enough to at least get the design and concept down pat. Now it works well without any hitches but I would like to polish it up some more. I happen to be O.C. when it comes to stuff like that� highly meticulous when it comes to details, and very anal-retentive when it comes to finishing something perfectly!

Ah! Now I remember what it was I wanted to write about! Thanks for that anal-retentive remark� I had an epiphany of sorts regarding religion and forrest gump and dogma�

But now, I am too lazy and sleepy to continue. I shall write a thesis on it some other day. Maybe Sunday. After my Dad�s death anniversary. I bet my balls I�ll be totally inspired to write after then� brooding character that I am. But for now� a little Doom before bed� It�s game time!

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